Self Growth
Personal Excellence = Clarity (Gifts | Limitations)
Resources = Dreams | Aspirations
Aspirations => Persistence + Tenacity
UnTempered (Aspirations - Reality) = Fantasies
Who we Are = Dialogue (Aspirations . Measurable Abilities in Action)
Aspiration = Wind (Sails)
Realism = Rudder (Boat)
Valuing One Self is the basis of Assertion and Equality
Conditioning = (Compliance + Conformity)
Good (Reward) | Bad (Punishment)
Scars on the Mind | Psychological Hurt
Erosion of Self Worth
Internalizing Compliance = Hierarchy
Rooted Low Self Worth = Difficulty in Assertion
Ideas and Responses with held
Internal Stress -> Erosion of Confidence
Small and InAdequate
Protection from Psychological Hurt
InAbility to pay attention to the PreSent
Wary of Relationships
Non-Judgmental review of Self is the basis for Self-Improvement
Clear break with process of constant Inner Judgement of Oneself
Inner Judgement -> Punishing, 'Should' Compulsiveness, Predetermined Social Acceptance (Ugly plant sculptures)
New Events observed with heightened sense of Awareness and Attention
Intense Attention has its own Intelligence, Foundation of Learning
Unfolding appropriately to situation and true to our Potential
Creates Space for Unfolding
Carl Rogers - On Becoming a Person
Failures and successes are learning opportunities
Life is persistent and stern teacher. Entire responsibility on us
Future unpredictable. With wisdom, each moment an opportunity to prepare the self, widen capabilities and deepen
wisdom. Person's differentiated by willingness and ability to 'encounter life', engage fully and deeply
Failures -> Self Doubt -> Corrosion
Success -> Over-Confidence
Doubt => Non-existent Difficulties
Over-Confidence => Blindness from respecting reality
Alertness to Pitfalls essential to Temper Over-Confidence with Caution
What was my real intent?
What constrained my action?
What factors facilitated my action?
Did I fall into habitual patterns or was I alive and paying attention to reality?
Did I bring commitment to my action?
Now is the only time to act - I am my only resource and the context marches to its own drum
Jewish Resistance during WWII using Talmund for inspiration:
If I am not for myself, who will be there for me,
If I am only for myself, then, who am I?
If not now, when?
Karma = Take charge of one's Destiny
Shaped by our Actions, Transformation only through our own Actions
Death changes the scene of the action, not the forces of our actions
Transformation is not Passive. Knowledge, explanations, interpretations of one's actions have no real impact
Each moment throws up an opportunity
Action (Charge of self, Pay attention to situation, Act with commitment) = Growth
Implication of Failure != Stagnation
Imitation | Falling back on Precedence | Losing Control | Impulsiveness | Holding back in Anxiety / Doubt =
Precious Moments Pass
Time is sacred. To respect time, use every moment to grow inwardly
Every living entity is constantly changing, interacting with the world and growing. Time is movement, time is
growth, time is fresh and vibrant in every moment. Praana flows with time
Praana wishes to express itself in the unfolding of deepest potential in each living being
Relate to other beings by discovering a rhythm and harmony of interaction and interdependence
Space and nurturing to this movement within = Sacred
Waste of Great Energy
Competition without Celebration of Excellence
Consumption without Care
When we loose touch with the flow and intimations of Praana within, dreams dry up, and we need to be 'psyched'
and 'extolled' to grow
Urge to grow as natural as breathing
MG: Find purpose and commit ourselves to it. Means will follow
Take care of means, ends will follow
Owning up Dissatisfaction converts Wish to Will
Time can be spent to develop a personal vision. But it will not trigger action. Avoid uncomfortable feelings
Discharge dissatisfaction in unproductive ways. Dissatisfaction energy when gathered in the form of a commitment
to improve the present state, vision gets enlivened. Action emerges, pain and discomfort are not avoided. They
are the journey to growth
Will = (Iccha Shakti | Deep Desire and Aspiration) + (Gnyana Shakti | Knowledge and Intelligence) + (Kriya
Shakti | Persistent Action)
Commitment to Vision + Dissatisfaction with the Present
Mere Resistance to Reality and Intention for Change NOT ENOUGH
Vision without Dissatisfaction = Wish List
Dissatisfaction without Vision = Complaints
Vision x Dissatisfaction = Will